Aronstam Custom Designs

I don’t want to simply make a product I can sell a hundred of. My best advertising is my custom jewelry work. Custom IS my normal. ~ Marc

Marc began designing custom made jewelry 45 years ago in his parent’s home. Although his designs, work and reputation have come a long way since then, Marc still considers himself a bench designer, first and foremost.

Jewelry making traditions from every age inform Marc’s world. He loves to create around inspiration from his customers. Come in with an idea, a stone, or a romance – and Marc will help you create a custom jewelry piece that uniquely tells your story. Bring pictures, stories, quirky ideas, and outlandish requests. You’ll be listened to as Marc creates a custom jewelry design that is yours alone.

I want to work with people, one-on-one…. so I can take into consideration the shape of the hands or the neck of the woman who will wear the piece. I design from within, respecting the beauty of the stone and the essence of the person I’m designing for. ~ Marc

Set up a meeting with Marc. The jewelry design process will be enlightening and fun. And it won’t cost nearly as much as you think.


To set up a time to meet personally with Marc, direct email to or call 317-817-9000.

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