Come to our Opal Show October 3rd – 5th and feast your eyes on opals like you have never seen before. Big, bold, on fire, hugely radiant, in rare opalescent colors.
October 3rd 10am-8pm,
October 4th 10am-6pm
& October 5th from 10am-2pm
If you have ever wondered why I am in love with opals, these pictures say it all. Some of these are opals that I just thought were truly beautiful. Others are awaiting your pick to be custom-designed into something fabulous.
My top 10 reasons to love opals:
….And the number one reason to love opals?
Opals allow fascinating glimpses into the greatest magic show of all: earth. Formed deep within the earth, an opal’s color depends on how quickly the volcanic activity around it cooled and what elements were nearby.
My friend Roger flies to Indy each fall to showcase the best and the brightest opals Australia has — in colors like magenta and emerald green, black and turquoise, gold and blue – and everything in between. The opals in Roger’s collection are amazing!
Stop in for our fiery Opal fest at Aronstam Fine Jewelers. I promise you that you will be awed.
Tags: colors, confidence, earth, feast your eyes, glimpses, love, magic show, opal, Opal Show October, opals, personality, showcase, volcanic activity