Today’s precious metal markets are constantly changing – but almost without fail, on the increase. From a low of around $300 per ounce about ten years ago, the price of gold today hovers around $1,750.00 an ounce, with platinum and silver increasing as well.
I’m continually amazed at the rising price of precious metals. Unfortunately, as prices rise, so does the likelihood of theft. That makes it absolutely critical to stay up to date on jewelry appraisals for insurance purposes. If your insurer doesn’t have an up to date appraisal, you are not going to get full value for your jewelry in the event of a loss.
If it’s been more than three years since you’ve had your diamond ring or any piece of fine, heirloom or antique jewelry appraised, there’s no more critical time than right now to make sure your jewelry is protected in case of theft, loss or damage.
I have an Indianapolis-based, in-store team that specializes in jewelry appraisals including heirloom and antique valuations – especially important for insurance, estate or resale purposes. Our state-of-the-art jewelry appraisal service supports the experienced Aronstam appraiser/gemologists team to provide you with highly qualified written appraisals.
Not only will they determine the gold or silver weight of your jewelry, but an Aronstam appraisal will also describe all diamonds and gem stones by color, cut and clarity. We then go on to evaluate mountings and jewelry craftsmanship, especially important for setting appraisals for heirloom and antique jewelry.
I encourage you to make an appointment with a member of our certified appraisal staff at my Indianapolis store. It only takes a few days, and will absolutely provide you with peace of mind. Just give us a call and we’ll take care of the rest.
Tags: antique jewelry, antique valuations, art jewelry, critical time, gold, heirloom, indianapolis jewelry appraisal, indianapolis jewelry appraisals, insurance, insurance purposes, jewelry, jewelry appraisal, jewelry appraisals, peace of mind