About a month ago, a customer came in looking for ideas to give her husband for something she would enjoy for their anniversary.
I asked her if she already owned a strand of pearls. She said yes but she rarely wore them, thinking them a bit too traditional. When she did wear them, it was “for dress.” That’s when I told her about something I had found probably 10 years ago that fit my design persona perfectly, the Vario clasp.
This is a clasp design that allows a woman to change the look of her pearls from cool and casual, to dress and fashion. You can change your “traditional” pearls into art with just a twist, and be assured that with something this versatile you would wear your pearls a lot more often. I showed her how interchangeable pearl clasps work.
Once a strand of any type of pearls is re-strung, a woman can wear her long strand of pearls double strung, or long, and play with any number of interchangable clasps to completely change her look.
Interchangeable pearl strands have a connective clasp that fastens the pearls together in lieu of a traditional clasp. The transformation is amazing. A long strand of pearls can instantly take on a “Great Gatsby” look with a diamond-studded and white gold roaring 20s clasp. Or given a hip, casual look with the addition of a carved carnelian and black onyx interchangeable clasp.
The collection of interchangeable clasps at Aronstam Fine Jewelers is wonderful. Some are by designers I know, others I have custom-made. The variety of metals, gemstones, carved gemstones, and the artwork in these is 100% guaranteed to change your attitude about pearls.
Tags: 10 years, anniversary, artwork, attitude, clasp, diamond studded, fine jewelers, gatsby, gemstones, metals, pearl, pearl jewelry, pearl strands, pearl studs, pearls, roaring 20s, strand, strand of pearls, tahitian pearl necklace, tahitian pearls, transformation