My grandmother had a charm bracelet. Maybe yours did, too. As a kid, I loved to look at the charms, asking where each came from and hearing the stories.
So I felt a strong sentimental pull when I first took a look at The Heather B. Moore collection of personalized jewelry. Heather Moore takes “charms” to a whole new level. Not only does her huge collection of personalized jewelry involve every shape imaginable, but with custom engraving and endless combinations of sterling, yellow, rose, white and green gold, even diamonds and faceted gem stones, you can document and wear your life story around your neck or your wrist. What’s more, the Heather Moore collection ‘keeps it green’ by working with 100% recycled materials. Very cool!
If the holidays ahead create gift confusion for you, adopt the Heather Moore jewelry collection as your saving grace. Introduce daughters, in laws and grandchildren to personalized jewelry with a chain and a starter piece. Add to the collection on birthdays, graduations, weddings and other life events. Create your family’s crest, an alma mater’s logo, or design a favorite saying in graffiti. You can even replicate a signature or a child’s drawing.
Heather Moore offers a million options – from simple jewelry monograms or initials to intricate, overlapping graffiti. I have lots of examples in her collection, but feel free to design your own! I encourage you to create a one-of-a-kind charm for yourself or someone special that sums them up – or you, defines a significant event, or reflects your family history. Don’t forget that I can always take an heirloom gemstone or any part of a family’s “story” and design a piece that will coordinate with what you choose from Heather’s group.
Brainstorm! Have fun! As Heather Moore says, “Cherish who you are!” And I would add to that, “Remember the story of your family before you.”
Tags: b moore, charms, cool 21, endless combinations, engraving, gem stones, gemstone, Heather Moore, Heather Moore charms, Heather Moore jewelry, Heather Moore Jewelry collection, jewelry, Marc Aronstam, monograms, personalized jewelry, recycled materials, saving grace