The Margo Morrison of New York necklace collection is smashing! And popular! These long, trendy 35” necklaces are each one-of-a-kind, and tend to fly out of Aronstam Fine Jewelers’ showroom because it’s so tempting to buy several at a time. Here’s what I mean – you might want to take a Margo Morrison strand of…
If there is a man in your life that loves the unusual, thrives on nature, or would enjoy having something fantastically unusual grace the alcoves or mantle of his home or the walls of his office, Father’s Day couldn’t come at a better time for you! If you’ve ever been in my store, you know…
Sue Rioux and I met many years ago at one of the East coast craft shows. As a designer and craftsman, she has been making fine handcrafted kaleidoscopes for about 20 years, working from her home studio in Kennebunk, Maine. When I saw the detail and expert workmanship of her pieces, I was blown away….
I’ve always been a huge admirer of opals, which is why my friend Roger flies to Indy each fall to showcase the best and the brightest opals Australia has to offer. Come to the Aronstam Opal Jewelry Show Thursday October 11th and I promise that you will change your thinking about opals. Especially if your…